Race course is to be a 2 pole course with no personnel on the field. All Pilots/ callers, flight line Judges, pylon pole judges will be completely off the flight course. No one is allowed on the field during the conduct of the race.
Pylon course is approximately 880 feet from pole # 1 to pole # 2. Flight line distance to The spectator area is set according to the AMA min. required distances. The start/finish Line is set at the midpoint of the pole distance.
Pilots fly 10 laps from the start of the race, around the pylon poles. 3 pylon cuts causing the pilot to be disqualified and taken out of the race, cuts one and two are make ups and pilot then must fly the additional laps.
At the start of each race all planes are positioned on the inner edge of the runway, facing across the runway , and can not take off till permission is granted by the line starter. The line starter will announce the take off direction, left to right or right to left and all planes will be launched in that direction. The line starter will have visual contact with each pilot and caller, and it is his discretion to launch the planes, in the order he decides to utilize.
All pilots will have 3 minutes to start engines and be airborne. Line starter will announce the start engines, which starts the 3 Min. clock. After all planes are airborne, the 3 Min. clock stops. ( A pilot may restart his engine if there is time left and his wheels have not left the runway) Then a 30 second warning will be announced then a 15 second notice and commence an oral count to the count of 0. The official starting blank gun (or air horn) will be fired to signify the official start. No plane is allowed to be in front of the start line when the race starts, this is called a jump start and the plane then is considered one lap behind.., After the completion of the stated time ( 3 min ) if a plane is not started and airborne he is considered a DNS ( did not start ) and will be awarded a 0 for that heat.
Pilots will be in assigned positions, 2 pilots to the left and 2 pilots to the right of the start/finish line. Lap counter judges will be positioned well behind the pilots and on the start finish line and be responsible for the counting of the laps for the pilot position he is assigned to. The start/finish line will be marked on the runway in front of the lap counter/judges. Lap counters are responsible to keep track of the plane that has been assigned to them by the position on the runway. The lap counters will have voice communications with the pylon pole judges and the line starter. The Lapcounter will turn over a numbered card for each time his assigned plane passes over the start/finish line. The lapcounters will also have cut cards, a card marked with a X or a / to inform the pilots not only what lap they are on but to also show that they have a cut. In the case of a cut, the numbered card will not be turned over but the cut card will now be shown. It is imperative that all the pilots callers have visual sight of all the lap cards. In the case of a jump start, the lapcounter will be informed by the line starter that his assigned plane has a jump start and he will not turn over the number 1 card until said plane has made up his jump start. I.e. the plane now in question will not get the number 1 card until he has completed 2 laps.
Scoring will be done on the 4 point system I.e., 1st finish is 4 points 2nd is 3 points 3rd is 2 points and 4th is 1 point. This applies in all heats whether there are 4, 3 or 2 planes in the heat. Bonus points are awarded to the finalists as follows. GOLD class 1st place is 6 points 2nd is 5, 3rd is 4 . --- BLUE class 1st is 3 points 2nd is 2, 3rd is 1 point.
Page 1. (revised February,2005.)