OBJECTIVE To create an event that is competitive, exciting, relative low in cost and keeping safety and fun in the forefront. By having all participants fly the same aircraft design with engines in a similar range. The element of skill will prevail.
AIRCRAFT Aircraft will be one of the Mel Whitley's' IMAA sport series. (I.e. sport 240 sports 300) NO CHANGES TO THE BASIC DESIGN WILL BE ALLOWED. Exceptions to the Design Rule are as follows: Must have a Canopy, Cowl, Pilot and Spinner. Type and style are the builder's choice. Landing gear type, location and wheel size is left to each builder. Retractable landing gear is authorized. These exceptions are made because of the availability of these items at the local area. Wheel pants are optional. Trailing edges and control surfaces may be airfoil tapered. Must have a steer able tail wheel, and be able to taxi under control on the runway.
INSPECTIONS All aircraft will be subject to a Safety Inspection /Technical Inspection by the Contest Director or his/her appointed official. "GO no GO Templates shall be used to determine the legality of a plane. Illegal aircraft shall be disqualified. The decision of the inspector/s is final. The Race organizer will have the Official templates at all scheduled events.
CONSTRUCTION Construction methods and materials will be left up to each individual builder as long as the basic design is not altered. (as per the new AMA pylon rules no airplane can weigh more than 20 lb. Wet
WING AREA Wingspan, chord, & airfoil or airfoil thickness cannot be changed from the dimensions shown on the Design Plans. Construction and design of the wingtips are the builder's option. Ailerons are of the "Strip Design". The length of the hinged aileron is up to the builder, BUT cannot reduce the size, area or outline shape of the total aileron. A Foam Core wing is also authorized and the "Official templates are available. It is recognized that some flyers have a transportation and storage problem. A 2-piece wing (plug in) is allowable, (templates and plans are available to builders). The assembled plane must Fulfill the outline of the plane. It is highly recommended that a separate servo be used for each aileron. If one servo is used to drive both ailerons a servo that meets or exceeds 105 in-oz torque must be used.
FUSELAGE No reduction in size, height, width and length of the fuselage will be allowed. The tail group i.e., Vertical fin, Rudder, Horizontal Stabilizer and Elevators must be of the planes design, either a 240 or 300. On the 300 version, counterbalanced control surfaces are optional. If one servo is used to drive both elevator halves a servo that meets or exceeds 105 in-oz torque must be used.
EXHAUST SYSTEMS No rules shall be imposed on the builder on the type of exhaust system used. The exhaust system must be exposed and not enclosed or faired in.
MISCELLANEOUS Propellers and fuel are not considered under these rules, but are subject to safety considerations by the Contest Director. In all cases the safety rules of the A.M.A. shall be followed
ENGINES Engine sizes are 1.8 C.I. Minimum to 2.2 C.I. Maximum. Engines must be or have been commercially available to all flyers at normal hobby outlets. Mounting of the engine so that the exhaust system is either on the side or the underside of the fuselage is required. No mounting of the exhaust system will be allowed that puts the exhaust on top of the fuselage. All engines must be safely secured to the airplane; some portions of the engine may be exposed from the cowl for cooling and fit. Must be able to KILL the engine from the radio transmitter.
Version 2A Revised November 6, 2003 Approved November 8, 2003 Effective January 1. 2004